hard heads soft hearts

a scratch pad for half-formed thoughts by a liberal political junkie who's nobody special. ''Hard Heads, Soft Hearts'' is the title of a book by Princeton economist Alan Blinder, and tends to be a favorite motto of neoliberals, especially liberal economists.

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Friday, June 14, 2002
two funny posts on Salon's Table Talk from people
named ad jameson and monchie of nyc on your tv
performance. monchie's in particular is quite funny.

the weblink to the

their emails are ad_jameson@hotmail.com and

KURTZ: Well, joining us now, Joshua Marshall,
Washington Editor of The American Prospect and a write
for Slate.com, and Chris Caldwell, senior writer for
The Weekly Standard.

Josh Marshall, you don't know the extent of damage or
vandalism by departing Clinton White House aides, and
neither do I. So, in writing in Slate Magazine that
the press wildly overplayed this story, it kind of
sounds like you're acting as a knee-jerk Clinton
defender. . .

KURTZ: Chris Caldwell, the fact that the Bush White
House won't itemize thedamage, perhaps to keep the
spotlight off Bill Clinton, doesn't mean it didn't

This is clear insanity. Can you imagine if this was
the prevailing standard in this country? That you
would constantly have to defend yourself against any
allegation no matter how unfounded? "Hey did you pay
for those shoes you're wearing?"

I wonder how Kurtz would react to an interview like

MONCHIE: Well, joining us now, Lefty Sinister,
Washington Editor of the Vegan Weekly, and Chris
Caldwell, senior writer for The Weekly Standard.
Lefty Sinister, you don't know the extent of Howie
Kurtz's diddling of barnyard animals and even
household pets, and neither do I. So, in writing in
Vegan Weekly that the press wildly overplayed this
story, it kind of sounds like you're acting as a
knee-jerk Kurtz defender.

And maybe followed by a hard-hitting question like

MONCHIE: Chris Caldwell, the fact that the pet owners
won't come forward publicly, perhaps to keep the
spotlight off Howard Kurtz, doesn't mean it didn't

the weblike to Table Talk is liike so:
