Susie Madrak - Sins of the father
Violet Socks - Rapture Watch
Corrente (okanogen's blog) - Sterling Newberry First Hand OWS Reporting
Obsidian Wings (Eric Martin) - Climate Change Skeptics
There is a non-crazy case for skepticism, not so much for global warming, but for policy responses to global warming. The case is that in the future we might have much cheaper ways of removing carbon from the atmosphere, therefore the best thing to do now is to pursue technofixes rather than trying to transition away from fossil fuels.
I don't agree with this view because 1) putting a price on carbon is itself an important way of encouraging R&D and technofixes 2) while there is a need for government to raise revenue, a carbon tax is one of the better ways of doing it.
Freddie deBoer - why Occupy Wall Street exists, reason #1,734
How many people are in US prisons? Of those people, how many 1) received sentences that are too harsh 2) received sentences that are too lenient 3) received sentences that are just?
Juan Cole - Qaddafi’s People’s Temple
Any news on the treatment of African immigrants in Libya?
Gary Farber - Amygdala
Arthur Silber - Once Upon A Time. . .
posted by Anonymous at 6:14 PM