hard heads soft hearts

a scratch pad for half-formed thoughts by a liberal political junkie who's nobody special. ''Hard Heads, Soft Hearts'' is the title of a book by Princeton economist Alan Blinder, and tends to be a favorite motto of neoliberals, especially liberal economists.

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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Little Talk:




How Much Dull Routine Of Existence Does A Man Require?

My current answer:


1. waking up

2. winding down

3. yada yada yada


waking up:

0. wake up

1. stare out the window a bit

2. quick peek at the phone to check for urgent messages

3. get ready

4. turn on the laptop

5. untether the phone (if not untethered already)

6. leisurely peek at the phone

7. retether the phone

8. untether the laptop

9. leisurely peek at the laptop for email, messages, and the web

10. retether the laptop

11. move the phone charger from the bedroom to the study

12. retether the phone

14. stare out the window some more

15. 5 minute warm up

16. 5 minute meditation


winding down:

0. "quality" media. Reading, audio or television. No phone.

1. "light" media. Light television, with phone. Two great tastes!

2. Quality Media II: This Time It's Personal. No phone.

3. Turn off the television! Put down the book!

4. move the phone charger from the study to the bedroom

5. tether the phone, untether the laptop

6. leisurely peek at the laptop for email, messages, social media, and the web. A good time to read the newspaper.

7. retether the laptop, untether the phone

8. clip out articles from the newspaper, or from magazines, that you think are interesting

9. turn off the laptop, retether the phone

10. 5 minute cool down

11. 5 minute meditation

12. go to bed (eventually)

14. quality audio or reading, if you want

15. ambient background audio, if you want. My preferred background audio at the moment is podcasts, I think. But your ambiance may vary.

16. fall asleep




How Many Sessions Does A Man Require?

My current answer:


session 1: desk work or field work

session 2: desk work


session 1 usually ends with a shower




How Much Audio Does A Man Require?

My current answer:


2 types of audio, "radio" and "record". Podcasts are mostly radio. Audiobooks are mostly records.

record #1: pre-dawn / morning / midday

radio #1: critical hours radio. morning - evening


record #2: afternoon / evening / night

radio #2: pre-sunrise and post-sunset authorization radio. evening / night / pre-dawn





How Many Times Does A Man Require?

My current answer:


morning, midday, afternoon, evening, night, pre-dawn




How Much Web-Surfing Does A Man Require?

My current answer:


peek #1: pre-dawn / morning (4:30 - 10:30, 7:30) e.g. 7:30 - 8:30

poke #1: morning / midday (6:30 - 12:30, 9:30) e.g. 8:30 - 9:30

peek #2: afternoon / evening (2:30 - 8:30, 5:30) e.g. 4:30 - 5:30

poke #2: evening / night (8:30 - 2:30, 11:30) e.g. 10:30 - 11:30



How Much Breakfast Reading Does A Man Require?

My current answer:


Perhaps 600 - 2400 words, perhaps around 3 to 12 pages of a book.


Gradually, one realizes that one can start a chapter during breakfast, without having to finish it.




Next post: March 29, 2024


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