hard heads soft hearts

a scratch pad for half-formed thoughts by a liberal political junkie who's nobody special. ''Hard Heads, Soft Hearts'' is the title of a book by Princeton economist Alan Blinder, and tends to be a favorite motto of neoliberals, especially liberal economists.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Little Talk:




How Much Audio Combined With Web-Surfing Does A Man Require?

My current answer:


2 types of audio, radio and record

2 types of web-surfing, broadsheet and tabloid

2 methods for web-surfing, quick peeks and leisurely perusals

2 devices for web-surfing, laptop and phone

2 quick peeks and one leisurely perusal for each type of web-surfing



1. listening to a record before getting up

2. a moment of silence while turning off the record and tuning the radio

3. listening to the radio while checking the phone and laptop

4. possibly listening to the radio or a record while at work

5. listening to the radio or a record while on a break from work

6. possibly listening to the radio or a record while at work or leisure

7. listening to the radio while reading the tabloids

8. listening to the radio while reading the broadsheets

9. listening to the radio or a record while falling asleep

10. listening to the radio or a record while supposed to be asleep


record listening sessions in a day:

1. pre-sunrise record

2. post-sunset record

3. finest work record #1

4. finest work record #2


radio listening sessions in a day:

1. morning radio while checking the phone and laptop

Checking the emails and the headlines, to make sure that a plane has not flown into a building, nor a boat into a bridge.

2. daytime radio while at work

3. daytime radio while on break

4. evening radio while at work or leisure

5. evening radio while reading the news

6. late night radio while falling asleep



1. quick peek at the tabloids (pre-dawn / morning / midday)

2. quick peek at the broadsheets (pre-dawn / morning / midday)

3. quick peek at the tabloids (midday / afternoon / evening)

4. quick peek at the broadsheets (midday / afternoon / evening)

5. leisurely perusal of the tabloids (evening / night / pre-dawn)

6. leisurely perusal of the broadsheets (evening / night / pre-dawn)


I guess my current opinion is that no matter how thoroughly you read the news early in the day, you are still going to want to check the news at the end of the day.




How Much Diet Does A Man Require?

My current answer:


A pattern of eating I am liking at the moment:


spare diet rules:

1. high coffee at 9 / 9:30, give or take a few hours

2. high brunch at 12 / 12:30, give or take a few hours

3. high tea at 5 / 5:30, give or take a few hours


square diet rules:

1. morning snack at 7 / 7:30, give or take a few hours

2. breakfast at 9 / 9:30, give or take a few hours

3. lunch at 12 / 12:30, give or take a few hours

4. tea at 4 / 4:30, give or take a few hours

5. dinner at 7 / 7:30, give or take a few hours


I find myself wondering whether monetarists prefer rigid, fixed meal-times, while keynesians prefer meal-times with discretion, and long and variable lags.




Next post: June 29, 2024



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